Saturday, March 5, 2011

Welcome to the blog of Bucksport High School

The reason for the Bucksport High School blog is to give parents, community members, students and faculty and staff a way to ask questions and find out the great things that are happening at Bucksport High School.  Comments that are submitted will be reviewed before being published on the BHS blog.  I look forward to hearing from you and answer any questions you may have.


  1. When is 8th grade step up night at Bucksport High School?

  2. The BHS Leadership Team has planned an exciting night for potential eighth grade students to visit Bucksport High School on Wednesday March 30th from 6-8pm. Parents and potential students are invited to visit our high school to learn more about what we have to offer. We are confident that no matter what your path of life is we can help get you there. The following events are happening on step-up night.
    *Presentation by our four core freshman teachers.
    *Students and alumni session of what makes BHS great.
    *Guidance-class offerings and a plan toward graduation.
    *Co-curricular and extra-curricular offerings.
